Lighthearted Perspectives

Collecting perspectives that encourage my outlook… :)

The manuscript of survival – part 345

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aisha north

You are being battered and bruised by these life-changing energies now, and although they are indeed working their magic on you, it can be easy to misconstrue them for something else. So again let us repeat the message that you are all well looked after, and we will not let anything go amiss. However, there are forces out and about less concerned about your welfare, and more concerned about their survival on these shores. We are not saying this in order to raise the alarms in any way, just to remind you that there are a lot of interest out there in getting you to lose your equilibrium. For as we have oft mentioned these last few days, the imbalance you all perceive can easily be looked upon as something negative. It is not, or rather, this imbalance is only negative for all those still set on keeping the old…

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Author: janis´¯`·.¸ʚįɞ

Balance: taking your interests seriously while taking yourself lightly...♥!

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